Risk Assessment in the United States

Intrinsik’s scientific experts regularly assist clients in the United States by developing strategies to address site-specific environmental health, and safety issues.  Our experts have contributed to the development of Work Plans for site assessments and risk assessments, and have designed multi-media background evaluations including statistical evaluations of soil gas and sub-slab vapour concentrations of samples collected within and outside an investigation area.  We perform human and ecological risk assessments for a wide range of contaminants and land use scenarios in accordance with Cal/EPA and US EPA guidance.

Intrinsik has produced assessments ranging from one media-one receptor situations to multi media-multi receptor situations where the number of variables resulted in a complex assessment.  We appreciate the complexity of projects that involve multiple public agencies with differing mandates, and we have provided these services to public and private sector clients in the United States and abroad.  Due to our experience working with government at the local, state, and federal levels, we are familiar with required agency processes and the staff that regulate the projects.


How Can We Help?

Our scientists have the expertise to address your complex
toxicological health and environmental issues, including product
development and business risks to avoid scientific and regulatory delays.

Contact Us