Cosmetic Safety Assessment

Safety assessments are required worldwide for cosmetic products.  Intrinsik’s scientific experts will help guide clients through the regulatory process to ensure product compliance.


  • Review of raw ingredients used in cosmetic products to ensure compliance with regulatory standards in various jurisdictions.
    • United States: Review of restrictions and conditions of use for chemicals and color additives used in cosmetics as outlined in Title 21 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR)
    • European Union: Review of over 1,300 prohibited and restricted chemicals, preservatives, and colour additives used in cosmetics, as per the European Cosmetics Regulation
      (EC No 1223/2009)
    • Canada:  Review of prohibited and restricted chemicals used in cosmetics, as per the Health Canada Cosmetic Ingredient Hotlist
  • Cosmetic safety assessments
    • United States and Canada: Toxicological Risk Assessment (TRA) according to applicable regulations
    • European Union/UK: Cosmetic Product Safety Report (CPSR) as per the Cosmetics Regulation (EC No 1223/2009)
  • Cosmetic product label review


How Can We Help?

Our scientists have the expertise to address your complex
toxicological health and environmental issues, including product
development and business risks to avoid scientific and regulatory delays.

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